Company / Health & Safety

our people & clients

An integrated safety management system providing a safe and healthy workplace.

Integrated Safety Management System (IMS)

A systematic, considered approach to Health & Safety

At Rockwell, we’ve established a dedicated, integrated safety management system (IMS) which anchors all our work. The IMS is a systematic prevention program designed to manage health and safety risks and to prevent incidents and resulting loss, while continually improving our performance in relation to occupational health and safety management. It puts safety at the centre of all we do, a key touchpoint for all our work.

Policies, Documentation & Accreditations

Dedicated health & safety measures and protocols

Central to the execution of an effective IMS is the consistent use of risk assessments which allow us to eliminate, prevent and control identified risks, and conducting regular safety audits. In parallel, we have established a set of clearly defined documents that guide our safety protocols, including:


  • EHS policies and procedures.
  • The planning process for the prevention of accidents and ill-health.
  • Management responsibilities for EHS procedures and implementation across the organisation.
  • The resources to support development, implementation, reviewing and maintaining of the IMS.
  • Reviewing and measuring performance.
  • Continuous improvement.

Read Safety Policy

Safety Leadership Safety Culture

Led by the senior team

While safety is a shared responsibility for all employees at every level, it is led by our senior team. Our management team is committed to establishing and implementing our policies, our procedures, and the regulations that ensure the wellbeing of our employees. And we go beyond simply enforcing existing policies, instead proactively seeking opportunities to enhance safety protocols and mitigate potential hazards before accidents they occur.

Safety is at our core in Rockwell. It’s not a buzzword. It’s about protecting our people and empowering them to safely deliver their work.
Billy Walsh, Construction Manager, Rockwell
Wellbeing Programme

Looking after our people

Rockwell have partnered with The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity to help deliver key supports to our people. The Lighthouse Charity is the only charity that provides emotional, physical and financial wellbeing support to the construction community and their families. The charity also offers a 24/7 helpline, live chat, online courses and bespoke onsite training.

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